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Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Photo of Maruthi Akella

Maruthi Akella


Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Office Location: ASE 3.224

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Space and Aeronautics

Research Interests

Nonlinear and robust adaptive control; dynamics of networked systems and sensors; control applications for supersonic flows

Photo of Jonathan Bard

Jonathan Bard


Mechanical Engineering

512-471-3076, 512-471-1336
Office Location: ETC 5.126

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Design and analysis of manufacturing systems; large-scale hierarchical optimization; healthcare delivery improvement; workforce planning & scheduling

Photo of Chandra Bhat

Chandra Bhat


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 6.810

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Energy and Environment

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Activity and travel behavior analysis; travel demand modeling; application of econometric, discrete choice and market research billionaire casino reviewtechniques in transportation planning; logistics and freight modeling; transportation energy and transportation air quality analysis; urban form and spatial data modeling

Photo of J. Eric Bickel

J. Eric Bickel


Mechanical Engineering
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Office Location: ETC 5.128D

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Decision making under uncertainty; value of information; economics; business strategy; energy and climate policy

Photo of George Biros

George Biros


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: POB 5.234

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Bioengineering and Health

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Parallel algorithms; numerical algorithms for integral and differential equations; inverse problems; data assimilation; computational statistics; biological complex fluids; blood rheology; soft tissue and cardiovascular mechanics; and medical image analysis

Photo of Raghavendra Bollapragada

Raghavendra Bollapragada

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 5.118

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Nonlinear optimization, stochastic optimization, derivative-free optimization, distributed optimization, machine learning

Photo of Maura Borrego

Maura Borrego


Mechanical Engineering

(512) 471-3083
Office Location: EER

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Successful transfer of Hispanic engineering students from two-year to four-year institutions; engineering undergraduate student resistance to active learning; how engineering instructors make decisions about their teaching; learning in graduate engineering research groups; interdisciplinary education and teamwork

Photo of Alan Bovik

Alan Bovik


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 7.862

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Computational Engineering/Science

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Digital and wireless video communication; image and video processing and quality assessment; computer vision; computational aspects of biological visual perception

Photo of Constantine Caramanis

Constantine Caramanis


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.820

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science


Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Robust and adaptive optimization and control; statistical learning; applications in telecommunications; applications in air traffic control

Photo of Richard Crawford

Richard Crawford


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 4.108

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Computer-aided mechanical design and manufacturing; geometric modeling; solid freeform fabrication

Photo of Gustavo de Veciana

Gustavo de Veciana


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.874

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Computational Engineering/Science

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Analysis and design of wireless and wireline telecommunication networks; architectures and protocols to support sensing and pervasive computing; applied probability, queueing and information theory

Photo of Ashish D.  Deshpande

Ashish D. Deshpande


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 5.134

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Bioengineering and Health

Research Interests

Design and building of robots for rehabilitation, prosthetic and assistive purposes; study of human movement control through experiments and mathematical modeling

Photo of Georgios-Alex Dimakis

Georgios-Alex Dimakis


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.816

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science


Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Information theory; coding theory; signal processing; networking

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Dragan Djurdjanovic


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 5.122

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Bioengineering and Health

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Advanced quality control in multi-station manufacturing systems; immunity inspired approaches to diagnosis and control of complex dynamic systems; maintenance decision-making in flexible and reconfigurable systems; applications of advanced signal processing in biomedical engineering

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Thinh Doan

Assistant Professor

Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Office Location: ASE 3.206

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Research Interests

Real-time decision making for autonomy; Control theory; Optimization, applied probability theory; Reinforcement learning, generative AI, and distributed learning

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Mattan Erez


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 5.872

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Computer architecture; high-performance computing; programming languages and models

Photo of Brian Evans

Brian Evans


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.882

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Digital signal processing; image processing; communication systems; electronic design automation

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Kevin Folliard


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

512-232-3591, 512-232-7820
Office Location: ECJ 4.716, PRC 18B

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Portland cement concrete; concrete durability; high-performance concrete; controlled low-strength materials

Photo of Andreas Gerstlauer

Andreas Gerstlauer


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 5.882

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Computational Engineering/Science

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Embedded system design; electronic system-level (ESL) design automation, modeling, languages, methodologies and tools; embedded hardware and software synthesis

Photo of Omar Ghattas

Omar Ghattas


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: POB 4.236A

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Computational fluid, solid, bio, and geomechanics; inverse problems and optimization; uncertainty quantification; parallel billionaire casino appnumerical algorithms and large-scale supercomputing

Photo of Joydeep Ghosh

Joydeep Ghosh


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.812

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Bioengineering and Health

Computational Engineering/Science

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Data mining; web mining; predictive analytics, machine learning; large-scale statistical analysis; high-performance computing

Photo of Alex J. Hanson

Alex J. Hanson

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

(512) 232-8110
Office Location: EER 7.886

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Component- and system-level power electronics; high-frequency magnetics and circuits

Photo of Zoya Heidari

Zoya Heidari


Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Office Location: PGE 5.108

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Petrophysics; borehole geophysics; formation evaluation; rock physics; inverse problems; integrated reservoir characterization of carbonates and unconventional resources; completion petrophysics

Photo of Jean Anne Incorvia

Jean Anne Incorvia

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

(737) 808-4124
Office Location: EER 3.820

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Nanotechnology, Spintronics, Magnetic Memory

Photo of Brandon Jones

Brandon Jones

Associate Professor

Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

(512) 471-4743
Office Location: ASE 3.230

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Space and Aeronautics

Research Interests

Orbit state and uncertainty propagation; Multi-target, multi-sensor tracking and filtering; Space situational awareness; Satellite navigation; Numerical methods and modeling

Photo of Sarfraz Khurshid

Sarfraz Khurshid


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 7.880

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science


Research Interests

Software testing; specification languages; code conformance; model checking; heuristics in program analysis; data structure repair; program repair

Photo of Hyeji Kim

Hyeji Kim

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.870

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Information theory, machine learning and wireless communications

Photo of Jaydeep Kulkarni

Jaydeep Kulkarni

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

(512) 471-4802
Office Location: EER 4.882

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Integrated Circuits; Emerging Nano-technologies

Photo of Fernanda Leite

Fernanda Leite


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 5.302

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Information technology for project management; building information modeling; life-cycle information integration; collaboration and coordination technologies; information technology-supported construction safety management

Photo of Diana Marculescu

Diana Marculescu

Department Chair and Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

(512) 471-6179
Office Location: EER 5.814

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Photo of Mia Markey

Mia Markey



Biomedical Engineering

512-471-1711, 512-471-8660
Office Location: BME 5.202L, BME 5.108

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Bioengineering and Health

Research Interests

Biomedical informatics; decision support; biomedical image analysis; biometrics

Photo of José Del Rocio Millán Ruiz

José Del Rocio Millán Ruiz


Electrical and Computer Engineering
Biomedical Engineering

(512) 232-8111
Office Location: EER 7.822

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Bioengineering and Health

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI); neuroengineering; neuroprosthetics; human-robot interaction; statistical machine learning; neuroscience; neurorehabilitation

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Ilias Mitra

Assistant Professor

Chemical Engineering

Office Location: CPE 4.468

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Artificial intelligence assisted optimization, control, and modeling of complex process systems

Photo of Javad Mohammadi

Javad Mohammadi

Assistant Professor

Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Bioengineering and Health

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Optimization and artificial intelligence in power grids; Electrified transportation systems, smart buildings, and smart cities; Modeling implications of transitioning to a low-carbon energy economy

Photo of Aryan Mokhtari

Aryan Mokhtari

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.826

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Optimization; machine learning; data science; artificial intelligence and signal processing

Photo of Michael Orshansky

Michael Orshansky


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 4.814

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering


Research Interests

Statistical analysis and optimization algorithms for yield improvement; circuit design for manufacturability; robust low-power circuit design

Photo of Michael Pyrcz

Michael Pyrcz


Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

(512) 471-3252
Office Location: CPE 4.186B

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Integrated Reservoir Characterization; Unconventional Resources; Petrophysics and pore-scale processes; Geologic Carbon Storage

Photo of Sujay Sanghavi

Sujay Sanghavi

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.824

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering


Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Algorithms for wireless, sensor and peer-to-peer networks and the Internet; machine learning and data mining; social networks; optimization

Photo of Surya Santoso

Surya Santoso


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 7.876

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Electromagnetic transient and electric power quality in power systems; development of intelligent systems for enabling self-healing and self-restoring power systems; wind power interconnection and integration

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Anastasia Schauer

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 4.165

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Design cognition; Design theory and methodology; Humanitarian engineering; Cognitive bias and empathy in design; Innovation and creativity; Equity and social impact in engineering; Design for manufacturing; Engineering education

Photo of Sanjay Shakkottai

Sanjay Shakkottai


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Billionaire casinoOffice Location: EER 6.802

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering


Transportation and Infrastructure

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Scheduling and QoS in wireless networks; ad-hoc and sensor networks; congestion control in the internet; resource allocation for heterogeneous networks

Photo of August Shi

August Shi

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Software testing and regression testing

Photo of David Soloveichik

David Soloveichik

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 7.814

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Bioengineering and Health

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Molecular programming, including the engineering of complex molecular systems for synthetic biology, nanotechnology and bioengineering.

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Hewei Tang

Assistant Professor

Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Office Location: CPE 3.118

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Direct air capture with geothermal energy, fracture characterization in enhanced geothermal systems, and using neural operators for subsurface simulations

Photo of Edison Thomaz

Edison Thomaz

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 7.818

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Bioengineering and Health

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Modeling health-related behaviors, with specific focus on scalable computational methods and novel sensing approaches

Photo of Ufuk Topcu

Ufuk Topcu


Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: POB 5.436

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Design and verification of autonomous networked systems

Photo of Carlos Torres-Verdin

Carlos Torres-Verdin


Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

512-471-4216, 512-471-3161
Office Location: CPE 5.182A

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Borehole geophysics; petrophysics; formation evaluation; well logging; rock physics; multi-physics geophysical detection and imaging; geophysical imaging of time-lapse subsurface phenomena; inverse problems; signal processing

Photo of Eric van Oort

Eric van Oort


Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Office Location: CPE 4.182A

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Rig automation; zonal isolation; borehole stability and lost circulation; frac optimization; frac water management, drilling and completion fluids

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Haris Vikalo


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 7.810

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Bioengineering and Health

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Statistical signal processing; bioinformatics and computational biology; wireless communications systems

Photo of Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang

Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.886

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Automated machine learning (AutoML), learning-based optimization, machine learning robustness and efficient deep learning

Photo of Karen Willcox

Karen Willcox


Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Office Location: POB 4.102

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Data to decisions in engineering systems; computational models and methods for design, optimization, control and uncertainty quantification of engineering systems; reduced-order modeling and multi-fidelity modeling; future aircraft technologies; aircraft system optimization; aircraft environmental impact; multidisciplinary design; unmanned aerial vehicles; digital twins

Photo of Neeraja Yadwadkar

Neeraja Yadwadkar

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 5.884

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Cloud computing systems; machine learning; serverless computing; machine learning for systems; systems for machine learning

Photo of Hao Zhu

Hao Zhu

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

(512) 471-1722
Office Location: EER 7.868

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Energy and Environment

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Cyber-physical power systems, Energy data analytics, Signal processing over networks