The Cockrell School of Engineering welcomes hundreds of employers every year to recruit our students for jobs, internships, co-op programs and externships. We encourage current and prospective employers to connect with the Engineering Career Assistance Center to start the process of recruiting students.

On-Campus Recruiting Opportunities

In addition to online job boards, we provide Billionaire casinoopportunities for connecting with students in person through interviews and info sessions in Texas Engineering facilities and career fairs.

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Co-ops and Internships

Co-op and intern positions allow employers to evaluate potential permanent hires over an extended period of time, provide a continual pipeline of bright engineers and a cost-effective method for completing tasks within the organization.

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Externships help build relationships between organization representatives/recruiters and potential hires in an informal setting and give employers an opportunity to enhance their presence in the Cockrell School.

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Policies and Guidelines

As a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the Cockrell Billionaire casino slots 777School abides by organization recruiting principles and practices, in addition to policies and procedures at The University of Texas at Austin.

Review the Policies and Guidelines


For more information or to get involved in recruitment at the Cockrell School, contact Elizabeth Castiglioni or Melody Esquivel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.