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Photo of Vaibhav Bahadur

Vaibhav Bahadur

Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 7.138

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Thermal and other energy systems, oil and gas flow assurance, materials and micro-and-nanofabrication

Photo of Aaron Baker

Aaron Baker


Biomedical Engineering

Office Location: BME 5.202D

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Research Interests

Cardiovascular biology including atherosclerosis, thrombosis and in-stent restenosis; vascular biomechanics and mechanotransduction; development of medical devices, drug delivery and tissue engineering systems for enhancing tissue repair; glycobiology

Photo of Jonathan Baker

Jonathan Baker

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 5.870

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Quantum computing; fault tolerant quantum computation

Photo of Efstathios Bakolas

Efstathios Bakolas

Associate Professor

Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Office Location: ASE 4.232

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Areas of Impact

Autonomy and Robotics

Research Interests

Systems and control theory, optimal control, differential games, nonlinear control, computational geometry, applications of autonomous vehicles

Photo of Michael Baldea

Michael Baldea


Chemical Engineering

Office Location: CPE 4.466

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Statically equivalent models for simulation and optimization of complex engineered systems; proactive energy management for buildings; optimal operation and strategic decision support; fault detection and isolation for multi-scale systems

Photo of Matthew Balhoff

Matthew Balhoff

Department Chair and Professor

Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Office Location: CPE 4.182A

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Pore scale and multiscale modeling; flow and transport in porous media; reservoir engineering

Photo of Sanjay Banerjee

Sanjay Banerjee


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: MER 1.606B, EER 3.884

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Ultra-high vacuum and remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition; silicon-germanium-carbon heterostructure MOSFETs and nanostructures; ultra-shallow junction technology; semiconductor device modeling

Photo of Seth Bank

Seth Bank


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: MER 2.606C, EER 3.876

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Areas of Impact

Autonomy and Robotics

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices; molecular beam epitaxy billionaire casino review(MBE), Semiconductor nanostructures, metal and semiconductor hetero- and nano-structures

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K. Suzanne Barber


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 7.804

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Areas of Impact


Research Interests

Software engineering, design and architectures; distributed artificial intelligence; information assurance, trust and security; multi-agent systems

Photo of Jonathan Bard

Jonathan Bard


Mechanical Engineering

512-471-3076, 512-471-1336
Office Location: ETC 5.126

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Design and analysis of manufacturing systems; large-scale hierarchical optimization; healthcare delivery improvement; workforce planning & scheduling

Photo of Matthew Bartos

Matthew Bartos

Assistant Professor

Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 8.610

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Developing the next generation of smart urban water systems, including real-time flood monitoring and stormwater control; algorithms for data assimilation, event detection and sensor/controller placement

Photo of Oguzhan Bayrak

Oguzhan Bayrak


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

512-232-7826, 512-232-6409
Office Location: ECJ 4.720

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Areas of Impact

Research Interests

Behavior, analysis. and design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures; Bridge engineering; Evaluation of structures in distress; Use of fiber reinforced polymers for structural repair

Photo of Joseph Beaman

Joseph Beaman


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 4.116A

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Freeform fabrication; system dynamics; control; mechanical engineering in oil and gas

Photo of Brian Belardi

Brian Belardi

Assistant Professor

Chemical Engineering

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Areas of Impact

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Molecular engineering, biotechnology, therapeutics and drug delivery, epithelial biology and extracellular matrix, post-translational modifications, synthetic cells and tissue, biophysics and biointerfaces

Photo of Adela Ben-Yakar

Adela Ben-Yakar


Mechanical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 7.132

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Development of femtosecond laser nanosurgery techniques for manipulation of biological systems; two-photon fluorescence laser scanning microscopy; development of miniaturized endoscopes for in-vivo cancer detection and treatment; applications for nerve regeneration processes and early cancer detection and treatment

Photo of Srinivas Bettadpur

Srinivas Bettadpur


Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Office Location: MCC 2.6038, ASE 3.212

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Areas of Impact

Space and Aeronautics

Research Interests

Orbital mechanics, perturbations, and orbit determination; space geodesy (earth's shape, orientation and gravity field); modeling, determination and interpretation of gravity field; space mission design; data processing and numerical methods

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Amit Bhasin


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 6.108

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Areas of Impact

Manufacturing and Materials

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Material science aspects and mechanistic modeling of distresses in pavement materials (fatigue cracking, moisture damage); self healing properties of bituminous materials; structure-property relationships in composite materials; surface properties and billionaire casino reviewinterfacial adhesion of materials; development of test methods to characterize properties and performance of pavement materials

Photo of Chandra Bhat

Chandra Bhat


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 6.810

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Energy and Environment

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Activity and travel behavior analysis; travel demand modeling; application of econometric, discrete choice and market research techniques in transportation planning; logistics and freight modeling; transportation energy and transportation air quality analysis; urban form and spatial data modeling

Photo of J. Eric Bickel

J. Eric Bickel


Mechanical Engineering
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Office Location: ETC 5.128D

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Decision making under uncertainty; value of information; economics; business strategy; energy and climate policy

Photo of George Biros

George Biros


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: POB 5.234

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Bioengineering and Health

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Parallel algorithms; numerical algorithms for integral and differential equations; inverse problems; data assimilation; computational statistics; biological complex fluids; blood rheology; soft tissue and cardiovascular mechanics; and medical image analysis

Photo of Fabrizio Bisetti

Fabrizio Bisetti

Associate Professor

Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Office Location: ASE 4.206

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Computational fluid mechanics; turbulent flows; aerosols and chemical reacting flows; numerical methods; massively parallel computing; flame plasmas; electrically and plasma assisted combustion

Photo of David Bogard

David Bogard

Associate Department Chair and Professor

Mechanical Engineering

512-471-3128, 512-471-5727
Office Location: ETC 5.206, ETC 6.106EB

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Gas turbine engines, specifically film cooling and internal cooling of turbine components; experimental techniques for thermal-fluid measurements

Photo of Raghavendra Bollapragada

Raghavendra Bollapragada

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 5.118

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Nonlinear optimization, stochastic optimization, derivative-free optimization, distributed optimization, machine learning

Photo of Roger Bonnecaze

Roger Bonnecaze

Dean and Professor

Chemical Engineering

Office Location: CPE 2.802 E

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Rheology of complex fluids; immersion and imprint lithography; self-assembly of nanoparticulate films; modeling of the formation of oil reservoirs

Photo of Maura Borrego

Maura Borrego


Mechanical Engineering

(512) 471-3083
Office Location: EER

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Successful transfer of Hispanic engineering students from two-year to four-year institutions; engineering undergraduate student resistance to active learning; how engineering instructors make decisions about their teaching; learning in graduate engineering research groups; interdisciplinary education and teamwork

Photo of Alan Bovik

Alan Bovik


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 7.862

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Autonomy and Robotics

Computational Engineering/Science

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Digital and wireless video communication; image and video processing and quality assessment; computer vision; computational aspects of biological visual perception

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Stephen Boyles


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 6.204

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Areas of Impact

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Network modeling; traffic assignment; transportation billionaire casino reviewuser behavior; infrastructure systems

Photo of Joan Brennecke

Joan Brennecke


Chemical Engineering

Office Location: EER 3.614

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Ionic liquids; thermodynamics; gas separations; supercritical fluid technology; environmentally benign chemical processing

Photo of Amy Brock

Amy Brock

Associate Professor

Biomedical Engineering

Office Location: BME 4.202F

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Research Interests

Cancer systems biology; heterogeneity and cell state plasticity; gene regulatory networks; chemotherapy drug resistance; normal differentiation and differentiation therapy

Photo of Tan Bui-Thanh

Tan Bui-Thanh

Associate Professor

Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

(512) 471-8176
Office Location: POB 4.244, ASE 4.220

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Development of scalable methods for large-scale uncertainty quantification; numerical methods for exascale supercomputers

Photo of David Burghoff

David Burghoff

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 3.814

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Quantum optoelectronics; nonlinear optics; mid-infrared and terahertz photonics; frequency combs

Photo of Adam Bush

Adam Bush

Assistant Professor

Biomedical Engineering

Office Location: BME 5.202J

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Research Interests

Novel MRI methods. Novel blood flow and oximetry methods in cardiovascular disease, anemic disorders and cancer.