Billionaire casino

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billionaire casino appLoukas Kallivokas


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 4.734

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Computational mechanics; inverse problems in engineering; wave propagation and structural dynamics; earthquake engineering; numerical methods; large-scale computational modeling

Photo of Lynn Katz

Lynn Katz


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 9.102H

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Contaminant fate and transport; combined abiotic and biotic treatment systems for in-situ remediation; environmental surface chemistry

Photo of Benjamin Keitz

Benjamin Keitz

Associate Professor

Chemical Engineering

Office Location: CPE 4.462

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Influence of porous materials on abeta amyloid formation

Photo of Sarfraz Khurshid

Sarfraz Khurshid


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 7.880

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science


Research Interests

Software testing; specification languages; code conformance; model checking; heuristics in program analysis; data structure repair; program repair

Photo of Hyeji Kim

Hyeji Kim

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.870

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Information theory, machine learning and wireless communications

Photo of Spyros Kinnas

Spyros Kinnas


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

512-475-7969, 512-232-1887
Office Location: ECJ 8.610

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Ocean engineering; hydrodynamics; cavitation; wave mechanics; computational fluid dynamics (CFD); design of ocean vehicle control and propulsion systems; tidal turbines

Photo of Kerry Kinney

Kerry Kinney


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 9.102A

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Beneficial application of microorganisms to the treatment of pollutants in the environment; algae-to-biofuel Billionaire casinoproduction processes; potentially detrimental microbial communities that develop in indoor environments

Photo of Mary Kirisits

Mary Kirisits


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 8.216

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Biological drinking water treatment processes; microbial transformation of inorganic contaminants; application of molecular biology to biological water treatment processes; rainwater harvesting; impacts of nanomaterials on microorganisms in engineered water treatment systems; biofilms; quorum sensing in pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms; microbial community structure of pediatric otitis media

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Dale Klein


Mechanical Engineering

+1 202-731-6797

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment


Research Interests

Radioactive waste disposal; thermal analysis of nuclear shipping containers; nuclear weapon dismantlement; nuclear power

Photo of Kara Kockelman

Kara Kockelman


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

512-471-0210, 512-471-4379
Office Location: ECJ 6.904

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Travel behavior modeling; Transport data analysis; Transport economics and energy policy; Roadway safety; The connection between urban form and transportation

Photo of Brian Korgel

Brian Korgel


Chemical Engineering

Office Location: CPE 4.462, CPE 2.802

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Nanostructure assembly and organizational strategies; development of new approaches for nanoscale material synthesis and applications, including photovoltaics, thin film transistors, lithium ion batteries and medicine

Photo of Desiderio Kovar

Desiderio Kovar


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 9.146

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Production and characterization of nanoparticles; nanostructured thick films; solid oxide fuel cells; honeycomb ceramics

Photo of Jaydeep Kulkarni

Jaydeep Kulkarni

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

(512) 471-4802
Office Location: EER 4.882

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Integrated Circuits; Emerging Nano-technologies

Photo of Krishna Kumar

Krishna Kumar

Assistant Professor

Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Billionaire casino slots 777Office Location: ECJ 9.227B

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Multi-scale modeling of natural hazards, landslides, earthquakes, debris flows, material point method, discrete element and lattice Boltzmann, high-performance computing in geomechanics; large-scale big data frameworks for modeling infrastructure systems

Photo of Manish Kumar

Manish Kumar


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Chemical Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 8.212

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Membrane processes and bio-inspired membranes for wastewater treatment and water reuse

Photo of Erhan Kutanoglu

Erhan Kutanoglu

Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 5.114

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Applied operations research; supply chain management; manufacturing and transportation logistics; game theoretic and distributed mechanisms (e-commerce and auctions)

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Stelios Kyriakides


Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Office Location: ASE 5.230

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Areas of Impact

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Instability in solids and structures (plastic buckling of structures, propagating instabilities in shape, memory metals, composites and foams); modeling of nonlinear behavior and failure of solids (metals, composites and foams)