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Photo of Richard Neptune

Richard Neptune


Mechanical Engineering

Billionaire casino slots 777Office Location: ETC 4.132

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Research Interests

Musculoskeletal modeling and simulation of human movement; biomechanics and neuromotor control; rehabilitation engineering; sports biomechanics and equipment design; prosthetic and orthotic design optimization

Photo of Quoc Nguyen

Quoc Nguyen


Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Office Location: CPE 5.104 A

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Chemical and gas enhanced oil recovery; conformance control technology; stimulated production of unconventional resources; thermal and chemical conversion of tar sand and oil shale; nanoparticle functionalization and processing for subsurface applications

Photo of Dev Niyogi

Dev Niyogi


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Understanding of the Earth system and the dynamic billionaire casino approle of coupled land surface processes on regional hydroclimatic and environmental extremes; translating the scientific work undertaken into decision tools and portals with a focus on sustainable climate-ready/resilient coastal, cities and agricultural systems

Photo of Atila Novoselac

Atila Novoselac


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 5.422

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Ventilation and indoor air quality; computations and measurements of airflows in buildings; pollutants transport modeling; building energy analysis