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Photo of Derek Haas

Derek Haas

Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 7.136

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment


Research Interests

Technology development, data analysis and policy support related to environmental monitoring for nuclear proliferation and arms control

Photo of Michael R. Haberman

Michael R. Haberman

Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 4.165, ARL NX315

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Elastic and acoustic wave propagation in complex media, acoustic metamaterials, new acoustic transduction materials, ultrasonic nondestructive testing, and vibro-acoustic transducers

Photo of Matthew Hall

Matthew Hall


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 7.148

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Internal combustion engines; hazardous waste incineration; combustion and flow in porous media

Photo of Neal Hall

Neal Hall

Associate Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 4.802

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Manufacturing and Materials

Space and Aeronautics

Research Interests

Silicon micromachining (MEMS); acoustics and dynamics; optics and photonics; technology transfer

Photo of Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 4.146C

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science


Research Interests

Nonlinear propagation of ultrasound in tissue; biophysical responses to underwater sound; acoustic cavitation in shock wave lithotripsy; micro- and electro-mechanical systems-based parametric acoustic arrays

Photo of Alex J. Hanson

Alex J. Hanson

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

(512) 232-8110
Office Location: EER 7.886

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Research Interests

Component- and system-level billionaire casino apppower electronics; high-frequency magnetics and circuits

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John Hasenbein


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 5.128B

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Areas of Impact

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Stochastic models; multiclass queueing networks; semiconductor wafer fabrication

Photo of Zoya Heidari

Zoya Heidari


Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Office Location: PGE 5.108

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Petrophysics; borehole geophysics; formation evaluation; rock physics; inverse problems; integrated reservoir characterization of carbonates and unconventional resources; completion petrophysics

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Todd Helwig


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

512-232-2239, 512-475-8195

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Areas of Impact

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Design and behavior of steel structures

Photo of Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz

Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz

Associate Professor

Chemical Engineering

Office Location: CPE 3.470, EME 1.320E

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Areas of Impact

Bioengineering and Health

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Air quality, focusing on atmospheric nanoparticles and aerosols

Photo of Ben Hodges

Ben Hodges


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

512-471-4730, 512-471-1807
Office Location: ECJ 9.102G

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Hydrodynamics; transport and water quality issues in lakes, rivers and estuaries

Photo of Alex (Qin) Huang

Alex (Qin) Huang


Electrical and Computer Engineering

(512) 232-6647
Office Location: EER 7.878

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Space and Aeronautics

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Power Semiconductor Devices; Advanced Power Electronics; Renewable Energy Integration and Smart Grid; Power Management Integrated Circuits

Photo of Rui Huang

Rui Huang


Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Office Location: ASE 5.210

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Mechanics of integrated materials and structures at micro-and nano-scales; reliability of advanced interconnects and packaging for microelectronics; mechanical instability of thin films and nanostructures; multiscale modeling and simulations

Photo of Thomas Hughes

Thomas Hughes


Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Office Location: POB 5.430A

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Computational mechanics; isogeometic analysis; stabilized and variational billionaire casino appmultiscale methods; phase-field modeling; cardiovascular bioengineering; complex fluids and turbulence

Photo of Todd Humphreys

Todd Humphreys


Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: ASE 3.234

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Areas of Impact

Autonomy and Robotics


Transportation and Infrastructure

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Estimation and filtering; satellite navigation technology and security; software-defined radio

Photo of Tanya Hutter

Tanya Hutter

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: ETC 9.158

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Molecular sensing technologies; nanomaterials, microfabrication, and nanophotonics with applications in environmental sensing, homeland security and medical diagnostics

Photo of Gyeong Hwang

Gyeong Hwang


Chemical Engineering

Office Location: CPE 4.404

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Areas of Impact

Research Interests

Computational chemistry and materials science; doping and defect engineering in electronic materials; surface chemistry and catalysis; modeling of energy and catalytic materials for fuel cells; supercapacitors; Li ion batteries; thermoelectrics; photovoltaics