WEP Peer Assistance Leaders (PALs) volunteer to mentor incoming first-year, new transfer and international engineering students. Incoming students are automatically connected to a PAL in their major to help with the transition into UT and the Cockrell School. This PAL program is open to all freshman engineering students.

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  • Serve as a resource, role model and friend
  • Share academic, career and social experiences
  • Contact/meet with their mentees regularly
  • Help guide new students to resources and opportunities
  • Make connections to student organizations

Current Student PAL Responsibilities:

  • Attend the Student Leaders Conference and PAL Trainings
  • Participate in WEP Welcome Events
  • Maintain regular contact with mentees and encourage regular communication
  • billionaire casino appMeet individually with mentees and invite them to attend meetings/events/outings with you
  • Provide timely information regarding upcoming events and encourage mentees to attend WEP programs/events
  • Help with academic, career and social concerns
  • Refer to WEP staff when necessary
  • Have fun!

PAL Application Requirements

  • All students applying to be a PAL must be in good academic standing as a degree-seeking student in the Cockrell School.
  • Candidates must have at least second-year standing and be enthusiastic about helping other students.

For questions or additional information, contact the Women in Engineering Program at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 512-471-5650.