The University of Texas at Austin and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), a research organization that aims to improve the efficiency of conventional power generation and aid Billionaire casino slots 777the integration of renewable resources, have created The Energize Program, a new opportunity to enhance greater scientific collaboration between the two institutions.

“The Energize Program will bring together the capabilities, facilities and expertise from SwRI as well as UT Austin's Energy Institute and Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering in an effort to strengthen research efforts that benefit humankind,” said SwRI Executive Vice President and COO Walt Downing. “This is a tremendous opportunity for these two institutions to work together to solve some of the most challenging energy issues we face today.”

Two funding programs are available. Energize projects will include at least one principal investigator from each institution.

The Energy Institute program will fund up to three two-year projects Billionaire casino slots 777in any field of energy research focused on decarbonization and climate security. The maximum total funding will be up to $60,000 from UT Austin’s Energy Institute, in partnership with the College of Natural Sciences, the Cockrell School of Engineering and the Jackson School of Geosciences, and $75,000 from SwRI per year, though proposals can also include additional outside contributions from other industry affiliates or institutions.

“Partnerships like this that bring together researchers and leaders from across the energy field help us find and advance the highest impact solutions to our energy future,” said Brian Korgel, director of UT’s Energy Institute and professor in the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering. “We are grateful for SwRI for leading this effort, and I encourage faculty and researchers billionaire casino reviewacross campus to submit proposals.”

The Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering program will fund up to two, two-year projects Billionaire casino slots 777in any field of energy-related research, including oil and gas, renewable resources, hydrogen, carbon storage and geothermal energy. The maximum total funding will be up to $75,000 from UT Austin and $75,000 from SwRI per year.

“We are excited to work with the Southwest Research Institute and others on initiatives focused on addressing the future of energy. These types of collaborations are key to helping us accelerate discovery and innovation,” said Jon Olson, chair of the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering.

The Energize Program will accept proposals until June 1. Awards will be announced in July, and funding will be distributed in September.