Our newest Cockrell School of Engineering faculty members span a wide range of engineering expertise — from machine learning to health robotics to infrastructure and agricultural systems. Learn more about their research areas:

Matthew Bartos

Assistant Professor, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (Start date: January 2021)

Ph.D. University of Michigan

Billionaire casino: developing the next generation of smart urban water systems, including real-time flood monitoring and stormwater control; algorithms for data assimilation, event detection and sensor/controller placement

Learn more: Matthew Bartos Faculty Profile

Brian Belardi

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering (Start date: January 2021)

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Research interests include: molecular engineering, biotechnology, therapeutics and drug delivery, epithelial biology and extracellular matrix, post-translational modifications, synthetic cells and tissue, biophysics and biointerfaces

Learn more: Brian Belardi Faculty Profile

Raghu Bollapragada

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. Northwestern University

Research interests include:  non-linear optimization, stochastic optimization, derivative-free optimization, distributed optimization, machine learning

Learn more: Raghu Bollapragada Faculty Profile

Sergio Castellanos

Assistant Professor, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (Start date: January 2021)

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research interests include: environmental and energy justice, sustainable transportation, renewable energy technology manufacturing and deployment, and energy systems modeling

Learn more: Sergio Castellanos Faculty Profile

Shwetadwip Chowdhury

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Start date: February 2021)

Ph.D. Duke University

Research interests include: Optical microscopy, computational reconstruction, wave propagation through optical scatter, multi-dimensional imaging, large-scale data analysis, and scientific and medical translation

Learn More: Shwetadwip Chowdhury Faculty Profile

John-Paul Clarke

Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (Start date: January 2021)
Ernest Cockrell, Jr. Memorial Chair in Engineering

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research interests include: urban air mobility (UAM) and the development of autonomous aircraft, including air traffic management and control for these systems

Learn more: Welcome New ASE/EM Faculty

Anca-Cristina Ferche

Assistant Professor, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (Start date: January 2021)

Ph.D. University of Toronto, Canada

Research interests include: analysis and performance assessment of deteriorated concrete infrastructure, nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures, advanced constitutive modeling and alkali-silica reaction effects on the behavior of reinforced concrete structures

Learn more: CAEE Welcomes New Faculty Member Anca-Cristina Ferche

Ann Majewicz Fey

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. Stanford University

Research interests include: robotics, dynamic systems and control, medical and surgical robots, teleoperation and haptics

Learn more: Ann Majewicz Fey Faculty Profile

Nick Fey

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin

Research interests include: neuromuscular biomechanics, rehabilitation robotics, and prosthetics and orthotics

Learn more: Nick Fey Faculty Profile

Hyeji Kim

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. Stanford University

Research interests include: information theory, machine learning and wireless communications

Learn more: Hyeji Kim Faculty Profile

Ruochen Lu

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Start date: January 2021)

Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Research interests include: communications, control theory, data science, information theory, machine learning, networking, optimization, signal processing and system theory

Learn more: Ruochen Lu Faculty Profile

Yingda Lu

Assistant Professor, Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Ph.D. University of Michigan

Research interests include: paraffin gelation and deposition in multiphase flow; asphaltene precipitation and deposition; rheological and flow behaviors of non-Newtonian petroleum fluids; and applications of molecular simulation in oil and gas production

Learn more: Yingda Lu Faculty Profile

Lori Magruder

Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin

Research interests include: remote sensing and 3D geospatial data exploitation for earth science

Learn more: Welcome New ASE/EM Faculty

Dev Niyogi

Professor, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Ph.D. North Carolina State University

Research interests include: understanding of the Earth system, particularly the urban and agricultural landscapes, and the dynamic role of coupled land surface processes on regional hydroclimatic and environmental extremes; translating the scientific work undertaken into decision tools and portals with a particular focus on sustainable climate-ready/resilient coastal, cities and agricultural systems

Learn more: Dev Niyogi Faculty Profile

Tyrone Porter

Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Myron L. Begeman Fellowship in Engineering

Ph.D. University of Washington

Research interests include: image-guided drug delivery, ultrasound and acoustics

Learn more: Tyrone Porter Faculty Profile

Joaquin Resasco

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering (Start date: January 2021)

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Research interests include: understanding the structure and properties of catalysts to enable next-generation sustainable technologies

Learn more: Joaquin Resasco Faculty Profile

Gabriel Sanoja

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Research interests include: engineering mechanical properties and lifetime of soft polymeric materials

Learn more: Gabriel Sanoja Faculty Profile

August Shi

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Research interests include: software testing and regression testing

Learn more: August Shi Faculty Profile

Thomas Underwood

Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (Start date: January 2021)

Ph.D. Stanford University

Research interests include: understanding how the chemistry and dynamics of reactive flows can be leveraged to address challenges in energy, transportation, the environment and security

Learn more: Welcome New ASE/EM Faculty

Evan Wang

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering (Start date: January 2021)

Ph.D. Stanford University

Research interests include: development of new tools to modulate and record neural activity from targeted neuronal populations using minimally invasive methods

Learn more: Evan Wang Faculty Profile

Atlas Wang

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Research interests include: automated machine learning (AutoML), learning-based optimization, machine learning robustness and efficient deep learning

Learn more: Atlas Wang Faculty Profile

Bo Zhao

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Research interests include: developing advanced mathematical models, computational algorithms and data acquisition schemes to push the limits of magnetic resonance imaging systems

Learn more: Bo Zhao Faculty Profile

Lei Zhou

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research interests include: electromagnetic design, actuators and sensors, precision machines, control and estimation, magnetic levitation and manufacturing systems

Learn more: Lei Zhou Faculty Profile