A cross-disciplinary team of researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have billionaire casino reviewdeveloped a new kind of electronic tattoo that monitors bodily functions and signals from the heart and brain.

The Graphene Electrical Tattoo (GET), led by Deji Akinwande of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Nanshu Lu of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, is the thinnest soft e-tattoo ever made and is capable of measuring biometric signals like heart rate, muscle activity and skin temperature.

Despite its fragile appearance, the GET is made of graphene, a 2D biodegradable material that is 200 times stronger than steel. Lu has been developing her electronic billionaire casino reviewtattoos for years and recently invented a method for producing them inexpensively using a “cut-and-paste” manufacturing method. Akinwande works extensively with nanomaterials and flexible electronic systems made of 2D materials like graphene. He recently received the inaugural Moore Inventor Fellowship for his creation of silicene.

Watch Lu and Akinwande explain their new e-tattoo on the BBC.